The college is affiliated to Panjab University, Chandigarh, and runs the following programmes:
The students of B.A. and B.Com. can take up any one of the U.G.C. sponsored Add-On Courses in addition to their regular course of study. Presently, the college is offering 4 Add-On Courses aimed at equipping the students with extra skills. These job-oriented courses not only enable them to secure jobs in diverse sectors but create avenues for self-employment also. The periods allotted to the study of these courses are adjusted in the regular time-table and the university examination is held along with the annual examination. At the end of the first year of study, the students are entitled to get a Certificate, the second year of study earns for them a Diploma and the third year of study of the same subject enables them to secure an Advanced Diploma. The Add-On Courses being run successfully are as follows:-